
Win a chance to be featured and perform in Singapore HarpFest VII.
Share your music and win cash prizes too!


Solo and Concerto Winners of Rave Harps Prestige Award will be featured in the concerts.
Applications closed – Results will be announced in Beginning of August.

Jazz, Pop & Rock

Enjoy a bit of jazz, pop or rock on your harp? Here is a chance to put your groove on and swing to some jazzy, pop or rock tunes! Showcase your creativity on the harp with your favourite tunes.

Open to all Nationalities with various age categories
Submission Deadline: 10th July 2022

Electric Harp

We are celebrating the electric harp! Are you working on something cool and electrifying on your electric harp? Here is your opportunity to compose and create something different from the standard classical repertoire & showcase your music.

Age category: under 25
Registration Deadline: 10th July 2022

Harp Ensemble

Harp Ensemble performances are a much loved program in our harp festivals for harpists and audience alike. We welcome harp ensembles (youth and adult student ensembles) to apply to perform.

Email for more details.
* Participating Harp Ensemble Performers must be a 2022 Harpfest Delegate to perform

(Active Participant)

Learn from International Harp masters Isabelle Moretti, Shannon Chieh, Katryna Tan, Ema Mitarai and Heidi Awuy.

To apply as an Active Participant, please complete the application form and submit your video for curation as soon as possible. Successful Active Participants will be informed soonest. (Limited places, application will close when full) 
Active Participants will receive a certificate.

Information accurate at time of publication.
Events are subject to change by organiser when necessary.